
I am a proud mother to a beautiful angel and an extraordinary fighter.  My boys were born over 16 weeks early at 23 and 4 & 6 days.  Yes, that means my twins were born 2 days apart.

Our story is surely unlike any you’ve heard before.  While we continually mourn the loss of our sweet Logan, we fight each and every day for Jacob’s development.

Jacob has been given several diagnoses and we are blessed to have found an organization who has the knowledge and experience to help us overcome them.  This blog will revisit our journey, share our successes and hopefully help others who’s journey is similar.  Please feel free to share our story with friends or family you feel could benefit from it.



2 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hi Jacob’s Mom. Would like to write to you . Would you pls share your emailid , if it’s ok with you. I am from India. I too have a daughter who is a 27 weaker, with hydrocephalus. Would like to have a brief chat with you. Thanks a lot.

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Jacob's Journey from 23 Weeker to Wellness